Trouble Shooting

Displayed [Unable to Activate eSIM]

Activation (start of usage period) is completed when the installed eSIM is connected to a supported network in the cuntry of use. The above activation error may appear if installation is performed outside the country of use. Please verify if the installation process has been completed successfully.


If eSIM is deleted from the device, it cannot be reinstalled.

Displayed [eSIM Can Not Be Added]/[Something went wrong with your eSIM]

Installation can only be performed once per eSIM. If the installation has already been completed or if you attempt to install multiple times, you will receive an error message similar to the one displayed above.


If eSIM is deleted from the device, it cannot be reinstalled.

Displayed [Could Not Set Up eSIM]

If the installation is unsuccessful, please restart your device (power from OFF to ON), and attempt the installation by scaning a QR code or enter the QR code manually.

※The same display may also appear if the SIM lock has not been removed.

How to veryfi your istallation

  • "Settings" > "Cellular"

    The installation is complete if the newly added eSIM is included in the SIM section.

  • Two antenna symbols

    In addition, two antenna symbols will appear at the top of the screen when installation is complete.

Can not connect to the internet

Please verify followings in "Cellular" / "Cellular Data".

Cellular (Select the targeted eSIM.)

  • ・Is the line turned on?
  • ・Is data roaming turned on?

Cellular Data

  • ・Have you switched to other than main line?
  • ・Is the permission for cellular data switched to "Off"?

If you cannot use the Internet after completing the profile installation

To enable Internet communication, you need APN (Access Point Name) information. If you are using a budget SIM (like UQmobile, IIJmio, mineo, LINEMO, etc.), you may encounter difficulties communicating with the "APN configuration profile" installed.

Example for iPhone "Settings" > "General" > "VPN and Device Management" > Tap "Configuration Profile to be deleted" > Tap "Delete Profile

*After deletion, you can reinstall it from the carrier sites or other sources.

※If you have difficulties with the installation through the methods mentioned above, and no indication of the purchased eSIM in the device's settings screen, or experiencing issues accessing the internet, feel free to contact us.
